What version of Struts are you using? My guess would be some kind of binary incompatibility. I'm using sslext with Struts 1.2.0, but I'm sure most people out there using it are using Struts 1.1.

From the CVS logs (http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/tiles/), it appears as though those classes were kind of moving targets around that time.

In addition to using the SecureRequestProcessor, are you using the SecureTilesPlugIn? I'm not really sure why that class is in sslext; I'm not using it in my project and things seem to be working. I don't know why it would matter, but just as a matter of fact, I'm not using it.

Do you have a more complete stack trace? What's actually throwing the exception?

This looks like it could be a knotty problem; I don't have a lot of ideas off hand. Good thing there are a lot of subscribers to this list! :)


I have been working on setting up SSLExt for an existing Struts application
which was using SecureRequestProcessor but we wanted to also implement
Tiles.  So now I've configured the application to use
SecureTilesRequestProcessor.  However, when I call my tiles page I'm getting
the following error:

Error 503: Cannot initialize RequestProcessor of class
java.lang.ClassCastException: org/apache/struts/tiles/TilesUtilImpl
incompatible with org/apache/struts/tiles/TilesUtilStrutsImpl

I have done the following set up work:

* put TLD definition in the web.xml
* set controller in struts-config.xml
* set action-mapping in struts-config.xml
* included sslext.tld in pages

Can someone suggest what the error might indicate, or point out what I may
have neglected in my setup?

Thanks in advance.

Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com "Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
-- Jef Raskin

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