Hello Brian Boyle,

on 06.05.2004 at 18:35 you wrote:
> Please excuse my lack of knowledge about Struts! I've only started learning
> it recently.

I just have completed my first Struts project as well, and lack of
knowledge is what usually brings people to mailing lists :-)

> First of all you said that I would need the two buttons with
> the same but different values. Is this what you mean <html:submit 
> property="xxxxx" value="Continue"> and <html:submit property="xxxxx" value="Back">
> If this is what you mean, what would I use in the Action class to 
> distinguish between the two. Is is something in the request?

yes, that's what I mean. Now, if you either put a property named xxxxx
into your ActionFormBean, or read "xxxxx" directly from the request,
you will see, that it will always be the value of the clicked submit
If you were to give every submit button a different name (different
property in struts-tag), you would need to check each of them if it
has a value. But with all of them having the same name, you just need
to compare the value of a single property.

Actually, this works in all web-application evironments, not just
struts, as it is the browser which sends only one value.

Greetings from Berlin,
Rüdiger Schulz

SkyGate inter|net|working GmbH

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