I have 2 Action classes (ActionA, ActionB) that extends DispatchAction
class. Each Action has 3 methods: method1, method2 and method3.

This is the executing scenario:
1) a post is made to ActionA.do with parameter set to "method3".
2) DispatchAction execute method3 according to parameter value (a
3) ActionA.method3() returns a forward that is declared as follows:
        <forward name="fwdMethod3" path="/ActionB.do"/>

This forward must execute ActionB.method2() when being executed from the
previous forward.

But as ActionB is also a DispatchAction, method3() will be executed
instead of the method I want (method2) because request.getParameter()
from mapping parameter is still method3 and request parameters cannot be
changed during request lifetime.

Possible solution: add a ?method=method2 to the forward path and set

But i wouldn't like to perform a redirect. 
I could overrite DispatchAction.dispatchMethod to "rectify" method name
according to some request attribute, but is there any other way to do

Thanks in advance.

Guillermo Meyer
System Engineer
EDS Argentina - Proyecto X71 Interbanking.

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