I'm running struts 1.1 with weblogic 7.04.  I'm keep getting "No getter method for 
property aEndNpaNumber" but I've checked my ActionForm and it does has the getter and 
setter methods.  Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong.

This is my custom form:

package com.struts.RequestCriteriaForm;

public class RequestCriteriaForm extends ActionForm {

private String aEndNpaNumber;

public String getAEndNpaNumber() {

return aEndNpaNumber;


public void setAEndNpaNumber(String endNpaNumber) {

aEndNpaNumber = endNpaNumber;



Here is my jsp:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>



<html:form action="/myAction.do" method="post" 

A End NPA No.: <html:text property="aEndNpaNumber"/>





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