Hello again everyone... I am starting conversion of a none-Struts app to Struts, and mostly it's straight-forward, but two things I have questions about...

The home-grown framework this app was written with has the notion of an App Loader. Basically, this is a class that runs at startup and reads in some config information and stores it in a static config object. The properties of this object are referenced throughout the app.

The other concern is that this same process spawns a couple of low-priority background threads to do some various things throughout the lifetime of the app.

My question, which I have been unable to find an answer to on my own, is if Struts has a similar startup "initialization" mechanism? If not, do I simply create my own servlet to do all this work and set it to run on startup in web.xml? I have no problem with the later approach, but I'm wondering if Struts has a mechanism for this, like our custom framework does?

Thanks all!

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