Hi Wendy,

Thanks for your reply. I know that what you suggest is a solution.

But I don't understand why what I originally tried doesn't work, which is to
add some code in the catch block, before rethrowing it, for example like

  } catch(TrcDatabaseException ex){
   /* add relevant action errors */
   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
   errors.add(ActionErors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   /* rethrow the exception to be caught by Struts declarative exception
handling mechanism */
   throw ex;

and have <html:errors/> display it in the JSP that is forwarded to.

This seems simple enough. So why doesn't it work?

Any ideas why it doesn't?



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:01 AM
Subject: RE: Help with using declarative error handling

> From: Frank Burns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> However, the problem I am trying to solve is that my
> AuthenticateAction
> class can throw the TRCDatabaseException in SEVERAL places.
> I want to be able to display a DIFFERENT error message for
> each place in the
> code where the exception can occur.

What about subclassing TRCDatabaseException and making different
exceptions for the different bad things that can happen?

For example, I have a generic "DAOException", and beneath that,
RecordNotFoundException, RecordLockedException, etc.

Then throw the exception that describes what really happened, and let
Struts do its thing.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management

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I can't get the relevant error message from the resources file to display
when an exception is thrown.

Can you please help? Here is the scenario:

One of my Action classes, AuthenticateAction, can generate the same type of
application-specific exception (TrcDatabaseException) at various points in
its code.

I want to display error-specific information for each place where the
TrcDatabaseException can be thrown in the AuthenticateAction.

Wherever an exception is thrown in AuthenticateAction, I add some code in
the catch block, before rethrowing it, for example like this:

  } catch(TrcDatabaseException ex){
   /* add relevant action errors */
   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
   errors.add(ActionErors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   /* rethrow the exception to be caught by Struts declarative exception
handling mechanism */
   throw ex;

I have also placed an errors.database.noconnection in the resource file.

In the struts-config file, for the AuthenticateAction, I have defined an
exception element:


I have created a JSP, exceptionTrcDatabase.jsp, that contains this element:


However, whenever I test this code (by deliberately creating the relevant
error conditions), only the errors.generalmessage is displayed.

Why isn't the errors.database.noconnection being displayed as well?



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