I have not seen any way to do this.

You could do a work around by setting a var inside of your loop then checking that on every iteration of the loop. This is still causing the loop to finish execution but you would get the result you were looking for.

You might look into the multibox tag for auto-population of checkboxes.

On May 28, 2004, at 9:21 AM, Kathy Zhou wrote:

I hope I would not send this msg twice this time. :)

I have a question on <c:forEach> tag.

Is there any way I could use something like <% break; %> within <c:forEach>
loop? The reason I am asking is that I am using <c:if> to find a value.
Once the value has been found, <c:forEach> loop do not have to be
continued,. the process moves on to the next tag. I am using this on a
group of checkboxes. It defines which checkbox has been checked after

I checked the JSTL tag and did not find the one I could use within
<c:forEach> tag. I may miss something here. Any ideas?

Thank you.


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