I have to be honest and say I've never used a filter except for one situation to do security on the input side, a very basic application. How would you envision it being used for the output?

From: "Marco Mistroni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Strus Web Service Enablement
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:15:43 +0100

        My 2 cents.... I think that is a great idea!!!!

Do u think that using a filter for the response will help?

Last year I did something similar (wrote a Struts-based webapp
That I was talking to using J2ME and KSOAP..but all I was able
To do was to extend existing action and dump the generated XML
Into the response.getWriter().write()... I was using axis btw for
XML stuff on the serverside)


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 June 2004 21:29
Subject: RFC: Strus Web Service Enablement

Hello all... I wanted to post this here and get any comments that people
so I could decide where to go with it...

For the past two days I've been working on a mechanism that would allow
to expose existing Struts-based business logic as Web Services without
changing any existing code.  What I offer here is a first approximation
that idea.

If you might be interested in this, you can download the first iteration
the project at http://www.omnytex.com/wst.zip

This archive is a sample webapp in exploded format.  Just unzip it to
webapps directory of your chosen app server and you should be good to
I've only tried it on Tomcat however, so anything else is unknown.

In a nutshell, what I've done is written a custom subclass of
RequestProcessor.  This version will recognize a SOAP-based Web Service
request, "unroll" the request, and hand it off to a specified Action.
far as the Action is concerned, it looks just like a regular HTTP form
submission, so it processes same as before.  Note that the request is
forwarded back through ActionServlet, so anything you do should still
The RequestProcessor then overrides the destination ActionForward that
Action returns, and instead sends it to a special JSP, which renders the

response XML.  The response type is set properly, and the generated XML
returned.  The XML it generates simply dumps all members of the
so it's not very smart right now, but as I said, this is a first
approximation of the idea.

So, in the end, you should be able to expose any existing Actions as Web

Services without changing them.  Everything you need is included, except
a JDK, but I assume you have that already (!), including a dirt-simple
client.  It's not a true SOAP client, but it gets the job done.

Once you unzip the archive, I suggest reading the readme.txt file in the

/source directory.  This goes into a bit more detail on everything, as
as explaining how to use this in your own application.  I should also
that this RequestProcessor is transparent to non-Web Service requests,
you can use it in your existing apps without changing anything whether
expose anything as a service or not.

I thank anyone in advance that checks this out.  Please send me any
or suggestions you may have either to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or just post

them here.

My hope is that given some time to refine this it will be tight enough
useful enough that maybe I can present it to the developer list for
inclusion in the base Struts distro.  That's of course a ways off, if it

ever reaches that point, but it's a start I think.

Good day to all!


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