For what I understood you are customizing the RequestProcessor to handle
SOAP message requests, right? I dont see Axis and any way of retrieving
the WSDL to make a direct call...

  If so, maybe instead of customizing the request processor, wouldn't it
be best to have a "SOAPform" to process the envelope and then populate
the bean? You could define the form-bean as your SOAPForm handler and a
regular action-mapping.
  With the help of Tiles one could define a template definition to return
the response in the appropriate format.

  - soap header
  - soap body
  - soap footer

  How could one use your RequestProcessor if I am using Axis and
publishing web services through WSDD or JWS files?
  I am new to web services but I found very usefull wsdl2java and have my
clients process their requests in a somewhat transparent way through the
use of SoapBindingStubs.
  It seems that with your approach I can't call a web service with these
stubs but, instead, need to implement some
SOAPMessageBuilder+Marshalling/Unmarshalling of JavaBeans to send SOAP
messages, something that with JWS files, for example, is completely

Pedro Salgado

> Ah, I see.  I'm not familiar enough with filters, but I had always
> thought  they were on the input side only.  If that belief is wrong,
> then it  certainly becomes an option.
> I think at some point to make this really worth anything I'll have to
> break  my "transparency rule" to some extent.  I do like the idea of
> generating the  output with a JSP because it's just so easy!  A little
> bit of background...  I actually implemented this same thing in a custom
> framework we were  previously using in-house.  In that application I
> actually do write out the  output in servlets, there is never a forward
> to a JSP or anything else  typically in the "view" layer.
>  This works
> just fine, but when I started  doing it in Struts it ocurred to me that
> I could really simplify things by  not taking that approach and instead
> let the actual XML generation be done  in a JSP.  That also removed the
> one change that was required under the old  framework: you did have to
> add two function calls to the controller servlets  that were exposed as
> services.  Not a big change, but I wanted to avoid code  changes
> entirely here.
> At this point my belief is that probably the best way to handle this is
> to  have an element added to the Action mappings in Struts-Config.xml
> that  specifies the target JSP for a Web Service request.  The default
> woudl be  the "generic" template I put together, although a bit more
> flexible as time  goes on.  But, the point is that you could then define
> an XML template in  essence for every Action you wanted to expose as a
> service.  That would  allow for things I probably can't do
> automatically.  I'd also write a taglib  to make life easier (although I
> might not have to... the current Struts  taglibs might be more than
> sufficient on their own).
> That would of course require a change to the DTD for Struts-Config.xml,
> so  in the mean time what I think I'm going to do is add an optional
> config file  thatwould be parsed via a plug-in at app startup that would
> contain these  extra mappings.  Fairly trivial exercise, and it leaves
> it completely  optional, no changes to Struts required.
> Also, I realized on the drive in that there's no need to put the
> parameters  as a query string as I'm doing... I can just put the parsed
> parameters  directly into the request object as an attribute.  Since
> only the second  pass of a Web Service request would know or care about
> that object, it will  basically just remove some code and simplify
> things a bit.
> I'm hoping to get these thnigs done today and release a .02 package
> before I  leave work today (it's nice when your development server is
> down and you  can't do any real work until the techs rebuild it!)... I
> also hope to remove  the required actionMappingPath element in the XML
> request... I haven't found  a way to get at the requested pat
> information in RequestProcessor yet, but  it seems like something that
> should be available at that point, so I  probably just have to do some
> digging.
> What is AOP by the way?  Millions of acronyms out there, I know
> thousands of  them, but not that one :)
> Thanks very much for the feedback!
> Frank
>>From: "Marco Mistroni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: Strus Web Service Enablement
>>Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 14:25:47 +0100
>>      Well, main issue here is that if you want everything to be
>>To the user (including the forward) then whole stuff has to be done so
>> that
>>Something 'intercepts' the response when XML is contained in it (if I
>> can explain myself correctly)
>>In other way, to do same steps that you have already done with
>>Not being familiar with struts internal (other than action &actionform)
>> I can't really say where to modify things...
>>Another way would be, for each CustomAction written, write an
>>CustomActionXml that extends CustomAction. This CustomActionXml will Be
>> invoked whenever the path is for CustomAction AND the request is in
>> XML. The logic will be done in the original CustomAction, difference
>> being in the fact that CustomActionXml instead of redirecting to the
>> 'original' forward of CustomAction, writes the response to outputWriter
>> But this gets cumbersome..
>>I would go for doing with response exactly what u r doing with
>> request.. Though right now I have no clue on how to do it...maybe u or
>> some struts expert which knows inner logic of struts knows?
>>Will AOP help in any way here?
>>      marco
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Frank Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: 03 June 2004 13:33
>>Subject: RE: Strus Web Service Enablement
>>I have to be honest and say I've never used a filter except for one
>> situation to do security on the input side, a very basic application.
>> How
>>would you envision it being used for the output?
>> >From: "Marco Mistroni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >Subject: RE: Strus Web Service Enablement
>> >Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:15:43 +0100
>> >
>> >Hi,
>> >    My 2 cents.... I think that is a great idea!!!!
>> >
>> >Do u think that using a filter for the response will help?
>> >
>> >Last year I did something similar (wrote a Struts-based webapp
>> >That I was talking to using J2ME and KSOAP..but all I was able
>> >To do was to extend existing action and dump the generated XML
>> >Into the response.getWriter().write()... I was using axis btw for XML
>> stuff on the serverside)
>> >
>> >Regards
>> >    marco
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: Frank Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> >Sent: 02 June 2004 21:29
>> >Subject: RFC: Strus Web Service Enablement
>> >
>> >Hello all... I wanted to post this here and get any comments that
>> >had
>> >so I could decide where to go with it...
>> >
>> >For the past two days I've been working on a mechanism that would
>> allow you
>> >to expose existing Struts-based business logic as Web Services
>> without changing any existing code.  What I offer here is a first
>> approximation of
>> >that idea.
>> >
>> >If you might be interested in this, you can download the first
>> >of
>> >the project at
>> >
>> >This archive is a sample webapp in exploded format.  Just unzip it to
>> your
>> >webapps directory of your chosen app server and you should be good to
>> go.
>> >I've only tried it on Tomcat however, so anything else is unknown.
>> >
>> >In a nutshell, what I've done is written a custom subclass of
>> >RequestProcessor.  This version will recognize a SOAP-based Web
>> Service request, "unroll" the request, and hand it off to a specified
>> Action. As
>> >far as the Action is concerned, it looks just like a regular HTTP
>> form submission, so it processes same as before.  Note that the
>> request is forwarded back through ActionServlet, so anything you do
>> should still work.
>> >The RequestProcessor then overrides the destination ActionForward
>> that the
>> >Action returns, and instead sends it to a special JSP, which renders
>> >
>> >response XML.  The response type is set properly, and the generated
>> XML is
>> >returned.  The XML it generates simply dumps all members of the
>> ActionForm,
>> >so it's not very smart right now, but as I said, this is a first
>> approximation of the idea.
>> >
>> >So, in the end, you should be able to expose any existing Actions as
>> >
>> >Services without changing them.  Everything you need is included,
>> >for
>> >a JDK, but I assume you have that already (!), including a
>> dirt-simple test
>> >client.  It's not a true SOAP client, but it gets the job done.
>> >
>> >Once you unzip the archive, I suggest reading the readme.txt file in
>> >
>> >/source directory.  This goes into a bit more detail on everything,
>> as well
>> >as explaining how to use this in your own application.  I should also
>> note
>> >that this RequestProcessor is transparent to non-Web Service
>> requests, i.e.,
>> >you can use it in your existing apps without changing anything
>> whether you
>> >expose anything as a service or not.
>> >
>> >I thank anyone in advance that checks this out.  Please send me any
>> comments
>> >or suggestions you may have either to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or just
>> >
>> >them here.
>> >
>> >My hope is that given some time to refine this it will be tight
>> enough and
>> >useful enough that maybe I can present it to the developer list for
>> possible
>> >inclusion in the base Struts distro.  That's of course a ways off, if
>> >
>> >ever reaches that point, but it's a start I think.
>> >
>> >Good day to all!
>> >
>> >Frank
>> >
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