On Friday 04 June 2004 18:42, vpsangeetha wrote:

You can't directly access Tiles definitions from
your JSPs, but have to wrap them into Struts
actions (in struts-config.xml) like this:

<action path="/login" forward="loginPage"/>

Then call login.do, and it will work.

-- Chris.

> Hi,
> I have a very basic question wrt tiles. I have a tiles-def.xml
> defined in the /WEB-INF/ directory with 1 of the definitions being
> <definition name="LoginPage" extends="baseDef">
>         <put name="body" value="/login.jsp"/>
> </definition>
> I want the first page of my application to use this definition. So in
> my web.xml, I define the welcome file and all this file has is
> <logic:forward name="login" />
> In the struts-config.xml, I have
> <global-forwards>
>       <forward name="login" path="LoginPage" />
> </global-forwards>
> But I get the error
> HTTP ERROR: 404 /alarmagent/LoginPage Not Found
> Any idea why this is happening? And does anyone know a way around it?
> Thanks & sorry if the q is very trivial.
> Sangeetha.
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