In my Struts application I use JSP pages with DynaValidatorForm effectively
I used Struts tags html:form, html:radio, bean:message, logic:equal etc..
I would like to use basic html pages (created for an other web application)
and convert them to Struts pages in order to have all Struts facilities.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 June 2004 17:53
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: HTML pages convert to Struts/JSP pages

Heligon Sandra wrote:

>       I would like to shared basic HTML pages with an other web
> application
>       which does not used Struts.
>       Is it possible to convert HTM pages to Struts views automatically ?
>       Is it an existing toolkit to do this ?

Not sure what you mean by these questions? Are you sure you mean "view" 
or do you mean "forms"?


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