Although this is possible, as other posters have said, I'd ask what you are
going to achieve by doing this? The servlet you already have will quite
happily work alongside the Struts servlet without any problems.

If you've got existing servlets you want to migrate to Struts & model 2 then
I'd do roughly the following:
1) In your servlet identify the objects/properties that are used inside your
out.write() statements.
2) Create a struts action based on your servlet code, replacing the
out.writes()s with setting request scope attributes with the relevant
objects and properties
3) Create a jsp (based on the html output from the original servlet) which
used the request scope attributes for the dynamic content.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ricardo Andres Quintero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 16 June 2004 17:28
> Subject: Using a servlet code within Struts
> Hello everyone
> I want to make some servlet code to work in Struts.
> i dont want to make the servlet to work. i want to
> rewrite the code into Struts.
> The servlet uses out = response.getOutputStream()
> and then out.write();
> I know Struts uses the model 2, so that the view is 
> a jsp.
> Im thinking of using and action, where i use the response object,
> and i would do it like i do in the servlet. However, i 
> dont know how to use the ActionForward, because i would
> render the output, based in the servlet. i mean no JSP.
> How would u solve this problem?
> --
> Ricardo Andrés Quintero R.
> Ubiquando Ltda.
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