Hello, Chris,

I sent out a note some time back on this saying that I think we should all collaborate and build something this is new on this issue. This is a major recurrent issue. The current solutions all "suck" to some extent either in bloating the session and creating difficulty with multiple windows, or in requiring too much coding when the MVC structure, which I believe in "way deeply", is adhered to strictly. I think something other than the normal scopes for retaining and accessing data is what is required, i.e. something out-of-the-present box. I still think that this is necessary, and if there had been a response of any kind, I would have set about working collaboratively on it. I guess this is a time to reassert the need and to ask if anyone on the list would like to collaborate. I think that someone going off on their own, whjich I will do eventually if no one responds, is less advisable because the collective wisdom of the list is helpful. This is a good issue, I think, for the dev list as well.

Specifically on your issue, there is a simple answer depending on what your question is. You can always reference a super class from a subclass, if that is the question. If the question is whether you can reference another instance of the superclass, the answer is that you can if you have parked it somewhere and have access to it. Is this a fair answer, or am I misunderstanding you?


At 11:32 AM 6/17/2004, Chris Cranford wrote:
Any thoughts anybody?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Cranford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:17 PM
Subject: Forms/JSP

I have created a form hierarchy as follows: public class CheckboxPagedForm extends ActionForm public class MaintenanceForm extends CheckboxPagedForm

I did this because there are form-specific attributes for the maintenance
form, but we have multiple forms which are going to need to leverage the
paged checkbox form stuff.  In the maintenance.jsp I need to open a new
window and work with only the data in the base class "CheckboxPagedForm".

What I'd like to do is have this JSP common so that no matter what extended
form calls it, it gets the data, permits the user to make changes to the
data and then when the window is closed, the data gets sent back to the
"maintenanceform" with a parameter that tells it to update itself,etc.

Right now I had to write my JSP so that I checks like:

<logic:present name="maintenanceForm">
  .. do maintenance form logic
<logic:present name="searchForm">
  .. do search form logic

Is there not a way that no matter what the extended form is, since both are
"checkboxpageform", I can just reference that?


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