Hello Michael,



MK> Hello Dirk,

MK> thanks for your answer.

MK> That means that I end up with tons of redundant struts packages on my
MK> production machines and many redundantdantdant class loading processes
MK> on server startup. Oh well, hard to digest ...

MK> BTW, do you know by any chance whether this applies to the velocity
MK> packages and to the commons libraries too?

Bill in an earlier mail gives you the link to a document describing
the problem in more detail. I don't know whether velocity can be put
into the shared directory, but I doubt and wouldn't advise.

MK> It seems that struts also requires that all the libraries that it 
MK> depends on are located in the WEB-INF/lib diretory as well.

MK> Is that also right?

MK> Greetings

MK> Michael Kastner

MK> Dirk Markert schrieb:
>> Hello Michael,
>> ***************************************************************
>> MK> Hello,
>> MK> maybe someone can help. I've tried to deploy two struts applications to
>> MK> two tomcat test servers (one running tomcat 5.0 and one running tomcat
>> MK> 4.1) but I can't get it to work on neither of them.
>> MK> For development purposes I had all required jar files in the 
>> MK> application's WEB-INF lib. Then I've removed them all and deployed my
>> MK> war files to the servers.
>> MK> I've put all the struts _war_ files from the jakarta-struts-1.1/webapps
>> MK> dir into my server's _webapps_ dir as described in the installation part
>> MK> of the struts documentation.
>> MK> After restarting the _servers_ all applications in my webapps folder
>> MK> were properly deployed but my own struts application (which is not
>> MK> located in the webapps dir) could neither find the struts classes nor
>> MK> any other classes required.
>> MK> Does anybody know why?
>> MK> How can I make Tomcat (4 and 5) find the struts jar files i.e. classes?
>> MK> The only way I can get my application running is to put all required
>> MK> jars into the application's WEB-INF/lib directory. Since this is not my
>> MK> only struts application I end up with multiple copies of theses jar
>> MK> files on the same server.
>> MK> It works that way, but that's not how it's supposed to work, or is there
>> MK> something I am missing?
>> That's exactly the way it is supposed to work. Don't try anything
>> else.
>> MK> Any help is appreciated.
>> MK> Greetings
>> MK> Michael Kastner
>> MK>
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>> Regards,
>> Dirk
>> +------- Quality leads ---------------------------------------+
>> | Dirk Markert                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
>> | Dr. Markert Softwaretechnik AG                              |
>> | Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 20                               |
>> | 44227 Dortmund                                              |
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+------- Quality leads ---------------------------------------+
| Dirk Markert                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Dr. Markert Softwaretechnik AG                              |
| Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 20                               |
| 44227 Dortmund                                              |
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