
Thanks for the link but this is very naive way of doing it. I am leaving it to the mercy of gc.

What this method is doing

1. run gc() manually (AND hope it wont run automatically again soon.)
2. free memory
3. create and object.
4. free memory

and now just wish that JVM wont allocate any memory in it's heap between steps 2 & 4. so that one can assume that whatsoever output comes belongs to my object. I am at something better.

Jim you are absolutely right, this technique may return a negative number.

navjot singh



The first one looks promising.


*Navjot Singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*

07/08/2004 11:57 AM
Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc Subject [OT] how to calculate the size of an object


I use SAX parser to load an LDIF file into memory. Whatsoever data i
read, i fill into an object.

I need to know *the size of LDIFData object* at runtime. How to do that?

Well the class structure is something like this

public class LDIFData{
                ArrayList cards; // collection of Card
                String filename;
                long lastLoadedTime;

public class Card{
                String name;
                String email
                String mobile;

Navjot Singh

When you jump for joy, beware that no-one moves the ground from beneath
your feet. -- Stanislaw Lem, "Unkempt Thoughts"

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-- regards Navjot Singh

When you jump for joy, beware that no-one moves the ground from beneath
your feet. -- Stanislaw Lem, "Unkempt Thoughts"

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