Thanks, Joe.  I expect you are right, but it is comforting to hear it.


At 04:06 PM 7/14/2004, you wrote:

This is ultimately a function performed by commons-beanutils, not Struts itself. Specifically, o.a.c.beanutils.PropertyUtils has a method, "getProperty(Object, String) which returns the object value of the bean property. (Internally, that's actually forwarded to getNestedProperty(Object, String) but the end result is the same...)

Anyway, while it's not explicit in the docs, it is explicit in the code -- if the Object passed to PropertyUtils implements java.util.Map, then the String passed in is used as a key to the map to get the value to return. As much as you trust the developers of beanutils to maintain backwards compatibility, you can count on this. I'd say you're pretty safe.


At 3:28 PM -0700 7/14/04, Michael McGrady wrote:
I am using my version of a BeanMap built for instrumentation, cf., and am putting a series of java.util.LinkedLists holding org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBeans into the BeanMap via setProperty(Object key,Object value). I am then accessing the lists via <logic:iterator> in Struts radio tags (where "eclipse" is a key in the BeanMap holding a list of LabelValueBeans) as follows:

<logic:iterate id="row" name="layouts_schemes" property="eclipse">
<html:radio property="scheme" value="value" idName="row"/>
<bean:write name="row" property="label"/>

This works great! However, I am not sure that this behavior will be guaranteed in the future, since it is not documented in the docs.

In the docs, the property for iterator is "defined" as the

"Name of the property, of the JSP bean specified by name, whose getter returns the collection to be iterated".

Obviously, my code sneaks in the value of the property attribute as the

"Name of the key in the BeanMap which returns the Collection saved is scope as "layouts_schemes"

Trust me, if I change the property value to a different key in the BeanMap, I do get a different collection (List) from the BeanMap on the page. My question is whether this will be guaranteed in the future. Or, is this an anomaly that I cannot count on in the future? Anyone have an inkling on that?



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Joe Germuska
"In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn back; I'll know I'm in the wrong place."
- Carlos Santana

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