I've been doing a bit of work on PropertyUtils bugs recently and discussing
some discrepencies with how simple/mapped properties are handled between the
different methods with a couple of the other beanutils committers.

Quoting from Craig McClanahan....

"The standard implementations of expression evaluation (JSTL 1.0/1.1, JSP
2.0, JSF 1.0/1.1) all conform to the way that BeanUtils currently works -- 
if the object you pass implements Map, it is *always* treated as a  Map."

There are currently some discrepencies in beanutils where the above
statement isn't followed - but, from the discussion over on commons, its
likely that in a  future version of beanutils it will be changed so that it
is always consistent with the above statement.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael McGrady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: LabelValueBean and BeanMap with <html:radio> and
<logic:iterator> for indexed properties

> Thanks, Joe.  I expect you are right, but it is comforting to hear it.
> Michael
> At 04:06 PM 7/14/2004, you wrote:
> >Michael:
> >
> >This is ultimately a function performed by commons-beanutils, not Struts
> >itself.  Specifically, o.a.c.beanutils.PropertyUtils has a method,
> >"getProperty(Object, String) which returns the object value of the bean
> >property.  (Internally, that's actually forwarded to
> >getNestedProperty(Object, String) but the end result is the same...)
> >
> >Anyway, while it's not explicit in the docs, it is explicit in the
code -- 
> >if the Object passed to PropertyUtils implements java.util.Map, then the
> >String passed in is used as a key to the map to get the value to
> >return.  As much as you trust the developers of beanutils to maintain
> >backwards compatibility, you can count on this. I'd say you're pretty
> >
> >Joe
> >
> >
> >At 3:28 PM -0700 7/14/04, Michael McGrady wrote:
> >>I am using my version of a BeanMap built for instrumentation, cf.
> >>http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsCatalogMappedBeans, and am putting a
> >>series of java.util.LinkedLists holding
> >>org.apache.struts.util.LabelValueBeans into the BeanMap via
> >>setProperty(Object key,Object value).  I am then accessing the lists via
> >><logic:iterator> in Struts radio tags (where "eclipse" is a key in the
> >>BeanMap holding a list of LabelValueBeans) as follows:
> >>
> >>
> >>               <logic:iterate id="row" name="layouts_schemes"
> >> property="eclipse">
> >>                 <html:radio property="scheme" value="value"
> >>                 <bean:write name="row" property="label"/>
> >>               </logic:iterate>
> >>
> >>This works great!  However, I am not sure that this behavior will be
> >>guaranteed in the future, since it is not documented in the docs.
> >>
> >>In the docs, the property for iterator is "defined" as the
> >>
> >>         "Name of the property, of the JSP bean specified by name, whose
> >> getter returns the collection to be iterated".
> >>
> >>Obviously, my code sneaks in the value of the property attribute as the
> >>
> >>         "Name of the key in the BeanMap which returns the Collection
> >> saved is scope as "layouts_schemes"
> >>
> >>Trust me, if I change the property value to a different key in the
> >>BeanMap, I do get a different collection (List) from the BeanMap on the
> >>page.  My question is whether this will be guaranteed in the future. Or,
> >>is this an anomaly that I cannot count on in the future? Anyone have an
> >>inkling on that?
> >>
> >>Thanks!
> >>
> >>Michael
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >--
> >Joe Germuska
> >http://blog.germuska.com
> >"In fact, when I die, if I don't hear 'A Love Supreme,' I'll turn back;
> >I'll know I'm in the wrong place."
> >    - Carlos Santana
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