iso-8859-1 is the default page encoding for web pages.  To use anything else you need 
to tell the webserver.

Use this at the top of every jsp page:

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"%>

Or for Tomcat 5 you can use Servelt 2.4/JSP2.0 spec and set the page encoding in the web.xml


Olve SÃther Hansen wrote:

I have some problems using struts/tiles and UTF-8 characters embedded in
an jsp page.

How can I make struts/tiles respect the system default encoding, and not
use iso-8859-1 for all jsp pages?

This problem occurs in tomcat 4.1.29, 5.0.19 and 5.0.27.
I have a struts version bundled with Appfuse, all I know is that it is
from 2003-12.02 (that is 2. december).

It seems like struts is hard-coding the response encoding to be
ISO-8859-1, although the response-encoding is set to be UTF-8 for all

In a struts-action I execute this code:
log.debug("res encoding: " +response.getCharacterEncoding());
log.debug("req encoding: " +request.getCharacterEncoding());

resulting in:
res encoding: ISO-8859-1
req encoding: UTF-8

I use the SpringFramework characterEncodingFilter to force utf-8.
My web-browser reports the page to be encoded in utf-8.

If I use iconv (a Linux program for converting files from one encoding
to another) to convert a file containing utf-8 characters (norwegian
characters à à Ã) to iso-8859-1, the pages displays correctly.

My web-browser still reports the page as being encoded in utf-8.

If I write the same Norwegian letters in a jsp page outside of
struts/tiles control, the page displays without problems..

So, is there a way to make struts/tiles respect the system default
encoding, and not use iso-8859-1 for all jsp pages?

Hope someone can help me solve this problem, I have looked through most
email archives I can find without any solution.

Jason Lea

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