On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 15:35:51 -0700, Jim Barrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> We have PDF's that can be created by one webapp, but must also be served by other 
> webapps. 

Forgive me for coming in late, but it's not obvious to me how big a
problem the "other webapps" part of this really is.  Lets use the term
"consumer webapp" to be the webapp that wants to return the PDF in
response to a request, while the "producer webapp" is the one that
generates it on demand.  (Note that, in a properly designed
environment, no consumer should ever be able to tell whether the PDF
was actually generated on the fly, read from a BLOB, or read from a
file -- all the consumer knows is a URL, and it is up to the producer
to decide what to do.)

The first rule is that the consuming webapp has to know the name of
the PDF that it wants.  You could look this up in a database, if you
wanted it to be dynamic -- but it will typically be a simple relative
URL like "bar.pdf", right?

Next, lets assume the consuming and producing webapps are on the same
server, but distinct from each other.  If the producing webapp has a
context path of "/foo", then the relative URL for this pdf becomes
"/foo/bar.pdf" instead of "bar.pdf" -- again, the host is implicit, so
this URL should work in development, test, and production environments
with no changes as long as producer and consumer are guaranteed to be
on the same machine.

The most general case is where producer and consumer webapps might be
on different servers.  An easy way to generalize this would be to
configure the "root" part of the path (http://myhost/foo) in a context
init parameter (or a JNDI environment variable), and make the consumer
webapp glue that together with the relative path of the pdf in
question on demand.  Then, at most, you have to change one
configuration setting as you migrate from development to test to
production -- and, if you use a JNDI environment variable, the change
is totally external to the WAR file that you're deploying, because you
can configure it using the server's admin tool.

Is it really any harder than this?  If it is, I must be missing something.


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