    I am sorry to say that, what you have given solution, i have tried that , that is 
also not working with this.

Any more help please,
Rajeev Lochanam A  

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 Kishore Senji wrote :
>There are two solutions to this problem.
>1) Setting contextRelative="true" for every forward.
>(If you do that, then the path will be intrepreted as context relative
>instead of module relative)
>2) Using forwardPattern of controller
>The default is $M$P
>meaning the path is prepended with the prefix of the module.
>If you use forwardPattern like the one below, then the module prefix
>won't be prepended
><controller forwardPattern="$P"/>
>you can use
><controller forwardPattern="/WEB-INF$P"/>
>to save some typing.
>P.S: forwardPattern only applies if you haven't set
>contextRelative="true" for a forward.
>Kishore Senji.
>----- Original Message -----
>Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 12:18:34 +0530
>Subject: Module and pages Behind WEB-INF don't work...???
>To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I want to do both "hide my JSPs behind WEB-INF" and use "Struts modules".
>and this does not work, I looked into the struts code. it does the following
>If the path of ActionForward starts with "/", it obtains the module
>prefix and prefixes this to the path so...
>If my path was say "/WEB-INF/pages/INY0010S.jsp" it becomes
>( which is unwanted......I wanted..."/WEB-INF/pages/INY0010S.jsp" )
>but if the path of ActionForward does not start with "/", it leaves
>the path as it is ( i.e. does not prefix the module-prefix)
>but then the requested URI becomes like this
>instead of
>so the problem is there is no slash - "/" before "<ActionForward-path>"
>so if my path was "WEB-INF/pages/INY0010S.jsp" it searches for
>which gives error...Can anyone suggest the way out..?
>or does this require a fix ? only a Quick resolution of this will be able help.
>Puneet Agarwal
>Tata Consultancy Services
>Website: http://www.tcs.com
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