* jars - I guess its obvious to say you need to replace the jars, but the
one people might forget is the new commons-validator.jar for version 1.1.3
of validator. I'm not sure where you can download this from currently,
except the Struts 1.2.1 distro includes it.

* tlds - remember to deploy the new versions of the tld files for struts
tags. If you don't you won't be able to use the new tag attributes added.

* validator.xml - change the dtd declaration at the top to refer to the dtd
for validator 1.1.3

  <!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
          "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules
Configuration 1.1.3//EN"

* validator-rules.xml - upgrade to the new version of validator-rules.xml.
In the Struts 1.2.1 version the dtd declaration in validator-rules.xml is
incorrect - its right in the latest nightly build - either use that or just
change the dtd declaration as shown above in the 1.2.1 version of

* struts-config.xml - its not absolutely necessary but you should upgrade to
the 1.2 version of the dtd (Note that as well as the version number changing
so has the url to struts.apache.org).

     <!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
       "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN"

 If you do upgrade to the 1.2 version dtd then there are a couple of
attributes which have been removed and you will need to remove them from
your struts-config:
    - debug has been removed from the "controller" element.
    - dynamic has been removed from the "form-bean" element

Also "contextRelative" in the "forward" element is now considered
"deprecated" and a new "module" attribute added.

The only other thing I did was change references to ActionError to
ActionMessage - its wasn't necessary to do it, but it got rid of the
"deprecation" warnings when I compile.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Curtis Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 6:28 PM
Subject: Upgrading a Struts 1.1 app to 1.2.1: any 'gotchas' to watch for?

> Hi everyone,
> After a cursory check of the Wiki & Struts site, I have a question for the
> collective expertise in the group.
> I'd like to leverage all the new features & fixes available in the 1.2.1
> release by upgrading my existing app. Here's what we're running now:
> Struts/Tiles 1.1
> sslext for Struts 1.10 - 4
> IBM WebSphere 5.1
> JSTL 1.0 (Thanks, IBM ;-)
> Has anyone experienced any issues doing such an upgrade?
> Thanks in advance for sharing any tribal knowledge,
> --Curtis

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