Hi All,

I'm having some problems with nested properties in Strust. Struts seems
to loose property values when specifying nested bean properties in
an action form. For example, the following fragment is an example of
attempting to set a value in a view JSP:

<html:text property="webdav.url" value="${config.webdav.url}"/>

When Struts attempts to set the webdav.url nested bean property for,
example, a DynaActionForm the value is passed as null to the action form
setter method.

In the documentation it clearly states that "the property attribute for
the Struts-HTML tags accept simple, nested, and indexed expressions":


I checked and the property setter method for the DynaActionForm in the
example I cited is being called and the 'webdav.url' string is being
passed as the property name but the property value passed is 'null'
despite the fact that I have entered a value. When I switch to using
standard, non-nested property name values in the html:text tag the
values are set correctly.

Is this proper behaviour for Struts or is it some kind of bug?

Kind regards...

-- Ricardo

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