Just out of curiosity, does <c:out value="${config.webdav.url}"/>
render a none null value?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ricardo Gladwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 10:12 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Problem setting nested bean properties on ActionForms
> I'm already using the EL versions of the tag libraries and using other 
> EL expressions successfully in other parts of the application. The 
> example works successfully when I do not use a nested property in the 
> property attribute of the html:text tag so it would indicate that the EL 
> version of the taglibs are working successfully.
> What is a puzzle is why is the setter method in the the DynaActionForm 
> being passed 'webdav.url' as the property name parameter, but 'null' as 
> the value name parameter?
> -- 
> Ricardo Gladwell
> Robert Taylor wrote:
> > Since you are using an EL construct in the value attribute
> > of the <html:text .../>, you will need to import the
> > Struts html-el tag library so that the tag "knows" how
> > to extract information from the scoped attribute.
> > 
> > robert
> > 
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Ricardo Gladwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 9:03 AM
> >>To: Jakarta Struts Users
> >>Subject: Problem setting nested bean properties on ActionForms
> >>
> >>
> >>Hi All,
> >>
> >>I'm having some problems with nested properties in Strust. Struts seems
> >>to loose property values when specifying nested bean properties in
> >>an action form. For example, the following fragment is an example of
> >>attempting to set a value in a view JSP:
> >>
> >><html:text property="webdav.url" value="${config.webdav.url}"/>
> >>
> >>When Struts attempts to set the webdav.url nested bean property for,
> >>example, a DynaActionForm the value is passed as null to the action form
> >>setter method.
> >>
> >>In the documentation it clearly states that "the property attribute for
> >>the Struts-HTML tags accept simple, nested, and indexed expressions":
> >>
> >>http://struts.apache.org/api/org/apache/struts/taglib/html/package-summary.html#package_description
> >>
> >>I checked and the property setter method for the DynaActionForm in the
> >>example I cited is being called and the 'webdav.url' string is being
> >>passed as the property name but the property value passed is 'null'
> >>despite the fact that I have entered a value. When I switch to using
> >>standard, non-nested property name values in the html:text tag the
> >>values are set correctly.
> >>
> >>Is this proper behaviour for Struts or is it some kind of bug?
> >>
> >>Kind regards...
> >>
> >>-- Ricardo
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