
I've enclosed excerpts form my ActionForm, Action and JSP - hope the
following helps. The excerpts are from my actual source (had to change
name in some cases), but I cannot send the entire source.

BTW, when I looked I used an array for the field/column names and a map
for the selection choices.

Given an ActionForm with the following properties:

  private String[] columnName; // Selected characteristics.
  private Map selections = new HashMap(); // Each entry corresponds to
an entry in columnName array.

  // Store the entire selections map
  public void setSelectionsMap(Map charSel) {
      this.selections = charSel;
  // Retrieve the entire selections map
  public Map getSelectionsMap() {
      return this.selections;

  // Retrieve an array of selections for a designated columnName from
the Map
  public Object getSelections(String columnName) {
      return this.selections.get(columnName);
  // Store an array of selections for a deisgnated columnName
  public void setSelections(String columnName, Object obj) {
      this.selections.put(columnName, obj);

In the Action place an array of choices (options) for the column under a
key of the columnName:


In the JSP, I use JSTL to iterate across the column names and create a
selection list for each:

  <c:if test="${empty wizardForm.selectionsMap}">
    <c:forEach items="${wizardForm.selectionsMap}"
      <td class="Ctr">
        <c:set var="cList"
        <html-el:select property="selections(${colSelectionsArray.key})"
size="6" multiple="true">
          <html-el:options collection="cList" property="id"

That said, I'm definitely going to look into the LazyDynaBean approach
next time. It looks nice also.

 - Richard

michael wrote:
> Your ideas in:
> I have a ver similar form. I just use three separate Maps:
> - one for the type of field it is;
> - one for the name/label;
> - one for the actual value;
> - one for a collection of valid values if its a selection list or set
> of
> redio buttons.
> This approach worked for me. I just create the Maps in may action
> (obviously they are all keyed by the field/column name). I use JSTL on
> the web page to iterate through the maps and create the appropriate
> Struts HTML tags.
> are clear to me vis-a-vis creating the form, but how does the
> ActionForm farm the values from the request?
> Thanks.
> Michael McGrady

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