> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 1:38 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Servlet help for a Struts programmer
> At 01:27 PM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
> >The OP has an existing application
> >that doesn't use Struts.
> Oh, I see what you mean, Wendy.  I assume that the "OP", 
> whatever that is 
> (client?), does not have a Servlet application that fails to 
> use standard 
> decoupling techniques, and even if it did, he would want to 
> change that.  I 
> certainly do not mean to demean anyone by stating that a web 
> application 
> with nothing but Servlet classes would be nuts.  I cannot 

It is nuts.  It's one of the big reasons why the Java world is so gung ho on 
seperation of concerns, in my never to be humble opinion.  At the time, servlets were 
a huge step forward from CGI/perl applications.  People were writing huge apps in 
them... and suffering the very pitfalls that moden practices seek to avoid.   MVC did 
not show up until relatively late, when JSP's came out, because in the beginning, 
there were no JSP's.  Take a look at the JSP spec version number vs. the Servlet spec 
version number.  JSP's are basically inverted servlets, and were created because of 
the amount of pain involved in spitting out what was bascially boilerplate html.

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