> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janne Mattila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 1:38 AM
> Subject: Accessing bean properties problem
> Let's say I have a collection of Choice objects, each having 
> attributes key 
> and name. I want to iterate the collection on JSP, display 
> it's contents and 
> add a delete button for each choice. Delete button value 
> should contain 
> "delete_" appended with each choice's key. Following works:
> (1)
>   <logic:iterate id="choice" name="choicesForm" property="choices">
>     <tr>
>       <td><bean:write name="choice" property="key"/></td>
>       <td><bean:write name="choice" property="name"/></td>
>       <bean:define id="choiceKey" name="choice" property="key" />
>       <td><html:image src="delete.gif" value="<%= "delete_" + 
> choiceKey %>" 
> /></td>
>     </tr>
>   </logic:iterate>
> the problem is the required additional <bean:define> that I 
> would like to 
> avoid. Trying

Why are you trying to avoid the <bean:define ?  It's probably the cleanest way, other 
then setting a request parameter in the action that forwards to the jsp.

> (2)
>   <logic:iterate id="choice" name="choicesForm" property="choices">
>     <tr>
>       <td><bean:write name="choice" property="key"/></td>
>       <td><bean:write name="choice" property="name"/></td>
>       <td><html:image src="delete.gif" value="<%= "delete_" + 
> choice.getKey() %>" /></td>
>     </tr>
>   </logic:iterate>
> just results in
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
> 3\server\default\work\MainEngine\localhost\struts-helloworld\p
> ages\jannen\listChoices_jsp.java:200: 
> cannot resolve symbol
>     [javac] symbol  : method getKey ()
>     [javac] location: class java.lang.Object
>     [javac]               _jspx_th_html_image_2.setValue( "delete_" + 
> choice.getKey() );
> since choice is Object... Adding the correct cast results in horrible
> <td><html:image src="delete.gif" value="<%= "delete_" + 
> ((com.someCompany.someProject.somePackage.Choice)choice).getKey() %>" 
> /></td>
> I guess I could improve on that by adding some imports to have this
> <td><html:image src="delete.gif" value="<%= "delete_" + 
> ((Choice)choice).getKey() %>" /></td>
> but then I am left with the task of updating the imports on 
> JSP pages and I 
> feel that there could/should be a simpler way. Any ideas? 
> Unfortunately JSP 
> 2.0 is not an option for me at the moment.
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