I have tried that ...form-property don't have a size attribute. :-(

If you are using a DynaForm, which I recommend you DO NOT (I think they stink big time and I can give reasons why) you'll have to create your own class that subclasses DynaForm so that you can declare a reset method and then call initialize in the reset() method: intialize( mapping );

However, if you are using a Session scoped form you won't have to do this ASSUMING you are making sure you com.test.Line[] is set up with a size BEFORE you ever try to populate anything in it from a form.

If I was you, I'd scrap using a DynaForm and just use a regular ActionForm (or one of it's Validator flavors). Then simply set up declare your field:

Line[] line = new Line[100];

Like Bill mentioned I thought size did work for a DynaForm property for an Array? Are you using Struts 1.1 Been a while since I used the Dynas.


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