Hi I've got a pretty basic problem and I can't seem to understand why the
html:img tag doesn't support it.  I've got all my images stored under the
default module in the /images directory.  I want to access them from
different modules.  I tried <html:img page="/image/myimage.gif" module=""/>
and it does not work, it tries to rewrite the url to the current module.  So
I goto the api page and look what it says under page:

page The module-relative path, starting with a slash, of the image to be
displayed by this tag. The rendered URL for this image will automatically
prepend the context path of this web application (in the same manner as the
page attribute on the link tag works), in addition to any necessary URL
rewriting. You must specify either the page attribute or the src attribute.

[RT Expr]

note module-relative, which i would assume SHOULD be the specified module.
But yet under the module attribute it says:
module Prefix name of a Module that contains the action mapping for the
Action that is specified by the action attribute. You must specify an action
attribute for this to have an effect.

Note: Use "" to map to the default module.

[RT Expr]

How can this only work for specifying an action???  I cannot use action
because when I try that it appends .do on to the link, and if i use src it
wont rewrite anything appropriately... And i dont want to be repeating the
use of images in images directories in each of my modules... right now I'm
stuck doing <img src="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/images/myimage.gif"/>
which sucks in my opinion.. what is everyone else doing??

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