Man and I got all excited that someone was replying to my thread and I might
get an answer... but noo it gets highjacked by someone who cant read =D
----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: html:img tag and modules

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>              "Jones, Demian"
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              >                                                          To
>                                        "'Struts Users Mailing List'"
>              08/18/2004 02:12          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>              PM                                                         cc
>                                                                    Subject
>              Please respond to         RE: html:img tag and modules
>                "Struts Users
>                Mailing List"
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:31 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: html:img tag and modules
> Hi I've got a pretty basic problem and I can't seem to understand why the
> html:img tag doesn't support it.  I've got all my images stored under the
> default module in the /images directory.  I want to access them from
> different modules.  I tried <html:img page="/image/myimage.gif"
> and it does not work, it tries to rewrite the url to the current module.
> So
> I goto the api page and look what it says under page:
> page The module-relative path, starting with a slash, of the image to be
> displayed by this tag. The rendered URL for this image will automatically
> prepend the context path of this web application (in the same manner as
> page attribute on the link tag works), in addition to any necessary URL
> rewriting. You must specify either the page attribute or the src
> [RT Expr]
> note module-relative, which i would assume SHOULD be the specified module.
> But yet under the module attribute it says:
> module Prefix name of a Module that contains the action mapping for the
> Action that is specified by the action attribute. You must specify an
> action
> attribute for this to have an effect.
> Note: Use "" to map to the default module.
> [RT Expr]
> How can this only work for specifying an action???  I cannot use action
> because when I try that it appends .do on to the link, and if i use src it
> wont rewrite anything appropriately... And i dont want to be repeating the
> use of images in images directories in each of my modules... right now I'm
> stuck doing <img src="<%= request.getContextPath()
> which sucks in my opinion.. what is everyone else doing??
> -David
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