Sorry, by "hand-rolled" I just mean one that is written specifically for the application (written by you).

The general idea is something like this:

Make a BaseAction class.

Implement a checkLogin method in the BaseAction class that looks in the current request's HttpSession for a "User" object, which you would have placed into the session in your LoginAction.
Implement a checkPermission method in the BaseAction class that looks in the current HttpSession for a role associated with the user (maybe this is part of the "User" object) that matches the role required for the current request (or you can go as fine-grained as you want, with many different permissions to check for a single request) to be granted.

All your Action classes extend the BaseAction class. They can invoke the checkLogin and/or the checkPermission methods at the beginning of the execute method to decide whether/how to proceed.

Write a LoginAction class that sets the "User" action, along with permissions, roles, etc., whatever else is needed in your checkLogin and checkPermission methods, in the session after login has succeeded (you have taken the entered username and password and matched them successfully against a username and password combination in your database -- typically in a USERS table).

Write a Logout Action that invalidates the current session.

Alternatively, you could check the login and the permissions the same way, but in a sublass of the Struts RequestProcessor, or in a Servlet Filter, instead of in a BaseAction class.

If you want to go with container-managed security and you can use Tomcat, try this (you should probably read it anyway).

I also suggest you read the security section of the J2EE tutorial, and the security sections of the JSP and Servlet specifications.

If you go with container-managed security, it's real easy to allow/deny entire JSPs, but you still may need to implement finer-grained permissions checks on your own if you need to, for example, show/hide links on a page based on permissions.


Leandro Melo wrote:

i don't quite understand what you call a hand-rolled
java component (maybe because of my english).
Anyway, it seems to me that you're not using JAAS to
completely control application's security, are u?
I don't know if it possible, but if so, would you post
your setup and basic classes?
I'm very very new at security stuff...
Anyway, i cleared out a lot of things for me.


--- Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

I don't really consider myself an expert here, but I
dare say that there are a lot of webapps deployed out there using
programmatic (hand-rolled) security successfully. I have used the approach with
success. What exactly the advantages are to using
container-managed security I am not able to fully deduce (except for the obvious -- it's
nice to declare stuff in web.xml in a standardized way -- and that
perhaps it might make Servlets a *little* more portable if you wanted to
use them among different apps). But then again, I haven't had to
take on a project yet where the environment was extremely complicated,
when it came to how users and permissions were managed (typically I see
the same tried and trusted setup -- USER, GROUP, ROLES and PERMISSIONS
tables in some central database, and some hand-rolled Java
component, used to authorize the current request, that is invoked in some
"common" area, such as a Servlet Filter -- or, in Struts, a base Action class
or a custom RequestProcessor). It seems like JAAS is still at an
immature stage perhaps, or at least the state of documenation about
it is.

The other route it seems you could go is to use a
container-managed login as you suggest, and enjoy using the methods
such as request.isUserInRole instead of invoking security
methods on a hand-rolled component, but I think you will have to
give up the JBoss/Tomcat stack to do this for now (someone
please correct me if I am wrong), because I think there is a security
integration problem there, as I described earlier. I'm guessing Tomcat as stand
alone might be a good way to go though. I have not done this and
couldn't say whether it is "common and usual".

I have tried to write my role-checking methods so
that in the future if I port an application to JAAS I can just refactor
them to invoke the standard methods instead of my own. But like I say,
I'm far from an expert in this area.

Hope that helps,


Leandro Melo wrote:

So Erik, is it a common and usual aproach to do


outside of Struts (ordinary jsps), and then use



--- Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Leandro, search the archives of this List for
"JAAS". I participated in a thread about this within the last two months.

I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you want
to do, but if you want to use container-managed security, I don't


of a way to have your login screen be part of Struts. As far as I
know, you have to let the container process the request that results


the login screen's form submittal (I tried having an Action intercept
this request and then attempt to login with the JBoss JAAS module


but gave up when I realized problem # 2 -- below).

Another problem you are probably going to run into
is that the JBoss security context is not propagated to Tomcat, and
vice versa, as far as I know. So if you authenticate using JBoss JAAS,
Tomcat won't know about it, and the methods such as request.isUserInRole
aren't going to do you any good (although you would presumably be able to
use the similar methods on EJBs, because they are running within


JBoss security context).

I found JAAS to be a nightmare, though a couple
people gave me possible solutions to the problems I mentioned in the


(one would be intercepting the login screen request and then
manually logging in with both JBoss JAAS as well as Tomcat JAAS modules --
but I don't know if this has been done). I presume it's a much easier
endeavor if you are just using Tomcat stand alone, but I'll let Craig
address that if he wants, because I've never tried it.


Leandro Melo wrote:

Or i just extend the DatabaseServerLoginModule


and leave an empty class????

--- Leandro Melo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just complementing my question...

Would it be fair if i copy JBoss'
DatabaseServerLoginModule code and place it



This way, i'll have an Action (for example,
MyLoginAction) that does exactly what
DatabaseServerLoginModule does.

--- Leandro Melo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please help me out here!
I'm very new with jaas, so i need some help.

I got a simple login that is working fine for


it is:

<FORM action='<%=
response.encodeURL("j_security_check")%>' method="get">
<!-- esses nomes tem q ser assim ->
NOME:<INPUT type="text" name="j_username"


<!-- tem q ser j_password -->
SENHA: <INPUT type="password"
<INPUT type="submit" value="Login" />

=== message truncated ===

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