I have following code with drop-list name "agencyName". But event .change() attached to this object never called. So i was wondering does jQuery ever work with Struts custom tag? or Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.


<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>

    $('#agencyName').change( function() {
        /* Never called here */
            url: "getGroupList.do",
            data: "agencyName=" + $('select#agencyName').val()
    } );


<div id="topOptions">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="49%">
<html:form action="/addUserToAgencyAndGroup"  styleId="addBulkEmail">

<h1><bean:message key="title.addToAgency" /></h1>

<label for="agencyName" class="formLabel">
<bean:message key="common.organizationalUnit" />
<html:select title="Agency Name" styleId="agencyName" property="agencyName" tabindex="1">
<% ArrayList<String> agencyList = new ArrayList<String>();
agencyList = (ArrayList<String>) request.getAttribute("agencyList");
                            for (int i = 0; i < agencyList.size(); i++) {%>
<html:option value='<%= agencyList.get(i)%>'/>
<% }%>

<label for="groupName" class="formLabel">
<bean:message key="common.group" />
<html:select title="Group" styleId="groupName" property="groupName" tabindex="2">

<label for="bulkEmail">
<bean:message key="option2.msg" />
<html:textarea cols="70" rows="5" property="emails" styleId="emails" value="" /><br/>

<input title="Add Emails" type="submit" value="Add All" />


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