I have read the source of java.text.MessageFormat, looks like it
output a "null" text to the result String when the argument is null.

I think you can create a read-only property in your action (or your
data model class), and implement the null check and format process in
this property,
code like:
public String getPriceDisplay(String formatPattern) {
      if (this.price == null) {
         return ""
     else {
         format it by the formatPattern

and use this property in the jsp tag,
code like:

<s:textfield key="orderItem.price"
value="%{orderItem.getPriceDisplay(getText('format.number'))}" />

2011/11/22 Felipe Issa <felipe.i...@simova.com.br>:
> Hi. I'm trying to internationalize my application, and for that i need to
> use the struts l10n. I have managed to parse the number according to the
> user locale, but I'm having some troubles to display the number using the
> user locale.
> On Struts 2 documentation it says:
> "to input a number, one might have noticed that the number is always shown
> in the Java default number format. Not only that this is not "nice", if you
> are in a non-en locale, it will also cause trouble when submitting the form
> since type conversion is locale aware. The solution is to again use the
> message formats as defined above, by using the getText Method of
> ActionSupport:
> <s:textfield key="orderItem.price"
> value="%{getText('format.number',{orderItem.price})}" />
> This maps to the method signature getText( String key, Object[] params ) in
> ActionSupport."
> (http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/formatting-dates-and-numbers.html)
> It display the number in the correct format when i use the value like this,
> but when the value is null it shows "null" instead of a empty textfield.
> Does anyone know how to fix it?
> Thanks in advice!
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