It's not a definitive solution, but it works. Thanks Li Ying!

Em 21/11/2011 23:07, Li Ying escreveu:
or you can do the null check in the jsp code, before you create the
param list for the format string.

Code like:

     value="%{getText('format.number',{orderItem.price == null ? "" :
orderItem.price})}" />

2011/11/22 Felipe Issa<>:
Hi. I'm trying to internationalize my application, and for that i need to
use the struts l10n. I have managed to parse the number according to the
user locale, but I'm having some troubles to display the number using the
user locale.

On Struts 2 documentation it says:

"to input a number, one might have noticed that the number is always shown
in the Java default number format. Not only that this is not "nice", if you
are in a non-en locale, it will also cause trouble when submitting the form
since type conversion is locale aware. The solution is to again use the
message formats as defined above, by using the getText Method of

<s:textfield key="orderItem.price"
value="%{getText('format.number',{orderItem.price})}" />

This maps to the method signature getText( String key, Object[] params ) in


It display the number in the correct format when i use the value like this,
but when the value is null it shows "null" instead of a empty textfield.
Does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks in advice!

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