Are you watching your server console?  Are you sure it's actually making
the request and not displaying the cached page.  If it is just showing you
the cached page, try appending some nonsense parameter to the end of the
URL (i.e. ?dummy=aalskdjfkal).

Otherwise, you'll have to look into your action processing, you must be
retrieving something from a cache somewhere.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Omar Ngarigari <>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have developed an application using struts2.3.1.2, but I
> am experiencing a weird situation that I have bumping my head for a week
> now, but It does not go away.
> Scenario 1 - I have a query page (jsp) where I have to query database
> based on the quarter date an input. If I entered a quarter that does not
> have data in the database, I receive an appropriate error message saying
> there is no record found. (That is fine!).
> Scenario 2 - On the same query page,  I entered a quarter date that has
> record in the database, then a report is generated. (That is fine!)
> Scenario 3 - This is where I am having problem. I click on the back button
> of the IE browser to navigate from the report page back to the query page,
> and at the query page, I entered the same quarter date that I entered at
> the scenario 1, I get the report that was generated on scenario2 rather
> than error message as scenario1.
> I have searching all over the place, but not luck. I would appreciate any
> help or clue to the problem.
> Thanks,
> Omar N.

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