This would be all via JavaScript.

There's no tag library that would do this declaratively, out of the box.
The JavaScript would be standard JavaScript, examples of things like this


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 10:01 AM, al so <> wrote:

> Assuming one wants to build a simple UI with following components:
>   Checkbox A
>   TextInput  B
>   SelectionList C ( E, F, G as dropdown items)
>   TextInput D
> Here is the required validation:
>  If A is checked, enable modification of all other fields.
>  If A is unchecked, disable modification of all other fields
>  If E is chosen from C, disable modification of D
>  For all other items in C, enable modification of D
> Is there a sample Struts 2.0 based JSP/taglib which can perform the above
> validations?

m: 908-380-8699
s: davelnewton_skype
t: @dave_newton <>
b: Bucky Bits <>

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