Inside of an interceptor, I'd like to add a value onto the the ValueStack.
What is the best way to do this?

I tried this:
invocation.getStack().set("myValueStackName", theValueIwantForThisName);

But that pushes that value to the top of the stack, pushing my action class
down which becomes problematic for values getting assigned to the action
class. For example, a JSP field with name="fooId" and an action class with
a field of Long fooId. When I have the above code, fooId doesn't get
assigned. When I don't, it works as you would expect.

I guess my interceptor could be later in the stack of interceptors, after
the ParametersInterceptor, but that seems fragile. Some other developer
could come along and move it and now there are bugs. Plus, I'd prefer this
particular interceptor be at or near the beginning of the list of

So, how do I assign, but leave the action class at the top of the stack? I
could pop the action, add my value and then add the action back on, but is
there a better way?

- Eric

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