Use Case: request some protected resource -> redirect action for authentication 
-> access protected resource. 

I'm using a custom interceptor that redirects (redirectAction) to a global 
result if no user object is found in session. The final action result then 
redirects to a login page. 

The interceptor gets the original action requested (using 
request.getServletPath(), but not sure if this is right), and puts it in the 
value stack. It would be used with dynamic redirection in the final result upon 
login success( ${nextAction} ) . This action must be passed in between 

But I need to reuse the original request. Reconstructing the request with a 
query string is not an option. I need the original request: GET/POST method, 
all parameters/values, maybe uploading binary content (inputstream), maybe 

Is it possible to do this? How?


Partially related to this: I'm having problems with redirections. The original 
request parameters are forwarded only using dispatcher result . If I use 
redirectAction or redirect, original params are lost. Why?

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