Second question: because it's a redirect, hence a new request.

 On Jul 10, 2013 7:28 AM, "Antonio Sánchez" <>

> Use Case: request some protected resource -> redirect action for
> authentication -> access protected resource.
> I'm using a custom interceptor that redirects (redirectAction) to a global
> result if no user object is found in session. The final action result then
> redirects to a login page.
> The interceptor gets the original action requested (using
> request.getServletPath(), but not sure if this is right), and puts it in
> the value stack. It would be used with dynamic redirection in the final
> result upon login success( ${nextAction} ) . This action must be passed in
> between redirections.
> But I need to reuse the original request. Reconstructing the request with
> a query string is not an option. I need the original request: GET/POST
> method, all parameters/values, maybe uploading binary content
> (inputstream), maybe headers...
> Is it possible to do this? How?
> ------
> Partially related to this: I'm having problems with redirections. The
> original request parameters are forwarded only using dispatcher result . If
> I use redirectAction or redirect, original params are lost. Why?
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