I think of the way to use session to carry over objects.

 From: Dave Newton <>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <> 
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: s:url pass arraylist object possible?

If you convert it yourself, sure. Otherwise you'd need to use the same
indexed format as form fields-all you can send from the browser are strings.
On Jul 19, 2013 5:11 PM, "john lee" <> wrote:

> I have no problem to iterator the arrarylist
> <s:iterator id="part" value="parts" status="st">
>  <<s:property value="pid"/><br>
> </s:iterator>
> but if i want to pass arraylist parts back to action, can i do following?
> <s:url action="KeywordprocessAction.action" var="keywordTag">
>                                 <s:param name="parts"> <s:property
> value="parts" /> </s:param>
>  </s:url>
>              <s:a href="%{keywordTag}">Keyword Process</s:a>
> thanks in advance
> john

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