I created my interceptor stack in the top-level struts.xml, like this :
  "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.3//EN"

    <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">

            <interceptor name="logging"
            <interceptor-stack name="MyStack">
                <interceptor-ref name="params">
                    <param name="acceptParamNames">^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$</param>
                    <param name="paramNameMaxLength">40</param>
                <interceptor-ref name="timer" >
                    <param name="logLevel">info</param>
                <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />

        <default-interceptor-ref name="MyStack" />

    <include file="module_1/struts.xml" />
    <include file="module_2/struts.xml" />

I have tried different declaration in the submodules but thay all seems
to not thoroughly work.
So having the same declaration or the same declaration with different
name for the interceptor or using "MyStack" in the extends ...

Any idea would be appreaciated.


Thomas Lionel SMETS, CISSP (385434)
*m :* +32 497 44 68 12
*ph :* +32 2 852 3341
*skype :* thomas.lionel.smets

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