Are the actions in the same package?

You need to provide more information; we cannot see your project and
without specifics, we have to guess.


On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Thomas Lionel SMETS (prof) <> wrote:

>  Typically, MdcLoggingUtility does this :
>    @Override
>     public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception
> {
>         /*
>          * This code puts a unique Id to the Mapped Diagnostic
>          * context. Since MDC is a static class, we can directly access it
>          * with out creating a new object from it.
>          */
>         String uniqueId =
> UniqueIdGenerator.generateId(Constants.MAX_UNIQUE_ID_LENGTH);
>         MDC.put(LoggingConstant.TRANSACTION_ID, uniqueId);
>         if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())
>   "Putting a unique ID in the context : " + uniqueId);
>         String invocationResponse = invocation.invoke();
>         if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())
>   "Removing unique ID from the context : " +
> MDC.get(LoggingConstant.TRANSACTION_ID));
>         MDC.remove(LoggingConstant.TRANSACTION_ID);
>         return invocationResponse;
>     }
> but it is not set in most Actions of module_1 & module_2
> \T,
> On 27/08/13 13:55, Dave Newton wrote:
> What doesn't work?
> Dave
>  On Aug 27, 2013 7:08 AM, "Thomas Lionel SMETS (prof)" <> 
> <>
> wrote:
>  I created my interceptor stack in the top-level struts.xml, like this :
>   "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.3//EN"
>   ""; 
> <><>
>  <>
>   <struts>
>     <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
>         <interceptors>
>             <interceptor name="logging"
> class="com.mysite.common.MdcLoggingUtility"/>
>             <interceptor-stack name="MyStack">
>                 <interceptor-ref name="params">
>                     <param name="acceptParamNames">^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$</param>
>                     <param name="paramNameMaxLength">40</param>
>                 </interceptor-ref>
>                 <interceptor-ref name="timer" >
>                     <param name="logLevel">info</param>
>                 </interceptor-ref>
>                 <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack" />
>             </interceptor-stack>
>         </interceptors>
>         <default-interceptor-ref name="MyStack" />
> ...
>     <include file="module_1/struts.xml" />
>     <include file="module_2/struts.xml" />
> </struts>
> I have tried different declaration in the submodules but thay all seems to
> not thoroughly work.
> So having the same declaration or the same declaration with different name
> for the interceptor or using "MyStack" in the extends ...
> Any idea would be appreaciated.
> Tx,
> --
> Thomas Lionel SMETS, CISSP (385434)
> *m :* +32 497 44 68 12
> *ph :* +32 2 852 3341
> *skype :* thomas.lionel.smets
> PGP = FDF0 8FB8 4F37 3F79 1011 05AB 0DCE 9BAB 5DD0 0E10
> --
> Thomas Lionel SMETS, CISSP (385434)
> *m :* +32 497 44 68 12
> *ph :* +32 2 852 3341
> *skype :* thomas.lionel.smets
> PGP = FDF0 8FB8 4F37 3F79 1011 05AB 0DCE 9BAB 5DD0 0E10

m: 908-380-8699
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