Below is the result of the new logging.

Root Size: 3
Result: null
Object: com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4d36d73d
Object: com.xxxxxx.webaccess.LoginAction@40c80ce8


On 04/21/2018 05:09 AM, Yasser Zamani wrote:
> On 4/19/2018 4:39 PM, Prasanth Pasala wrote:
>> There is a index.jsp which is defined as default page in web.xml it just 
>> forwards the request to Login.action. There is no chaining of actions in 
>> struts itself. We do have a LoginFilter which verifies
>> if a user is logged in.
> So maybe there is a bug with chain interceptor! Could you please use
> following code in your action setUsername method (save it's log in a
> private string field in your action). Then print it when your action
> data are not consistent with request params.
> String log = "";
> ActionInvocation invocation= ActionContext.getActionInvocation();
> ValueStack stack = invocation.getStack();
> CompoundRoot root = stack.getRoot();
> log += "Root Size: " + root.size();
> Result result = invocation.getResult();
> log += "\r\nResult: " + result;
> List list = new ArrayList(root);
> list.remove(0);
> Collections.reverse(list);
> for (Object object : list) {
>     log += "\r\nObject: " + object;
> }
> this.log = log; //saves for possible future use
> Thanks!
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