On 4/23/2018 10:12 PM, Prasanth Pasala wrote:
> The user is inputting username and password in /Context1, if I send a 
> redirect they would have to enter username/password again in /Context2.

No, you already have them. I think you can use Struts PostbackResult [1]
in /Context1/LoginAction like below:

<result type="postback">/Context2/LoginAction</result>

> May be for LoginAction in /Context2 I can remove instance variables (so that 
> struts doesn't set any values) I will directly access the request object to 
> get username and password to validate.

The simpler solution is deleting getUsername and getPassword methods
from LoginAction which disables ChainInterceptor to copies them and
solves this issue! But I'm worry about other issues caused by FORWARD,
so please try replacing all of them as I mentioned above.

[1] https://struts.apache.org/core-developers/postback-result.html

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