struts Dude wrote:
Hi Rick

I have runned rr_sitemesh example, change width
of navigaitonal bar to 150 pixel by changing the line <td valign="top" width="200">
to <td valign="top" width="150"> in mainDecorator.jsp
but an empty space seemed to have been created now
between navigational bar and content, and content
is created within <table width="100%" height="100%">
, so what's happening??

Is main.css behind these? I can't c anything wroing with it.

I think you probably meant to e-mail me off the struts-users mailing list. I can't keep up with every message on this list, but I happened to catch this one:) Your question is really an HTML question, but my guess is if you put in border="1" you can see what is going on better (that's always a good trick to use when debugging table problems). Things get tricky when working with percents and absolute widths in tables. Impossible to say what's going wrong looking at just the detail provided above. Another good 'trick' I sometimes use when debugging html that is generated from sitemesh, tiles, or includes is to view the source of the generated page and then save it as an html file. Paste in(or link to) any style sheets and then you can work with the raw html file and play around with some of the settings and see how it behaves.


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