
I was wonder to have  generator like you said. My idea came up when i use
mybatis generator. Mybatis generator will inspect single column in table
that we've registeren in config, and generate the POJO,Interface, and XML
for us. For custom purpose i plan to use it for generate JSP, struts2
controller, and Spring Service (i use Spring instead).

In the future, this feature will usefull when we need to speedup
development such as create a CRUD on Master Tables


On Sun, Dec 1, 2019, 08:00 Zahid Rahman <zahidr1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am sure you are familiar with the Java Object Orientated Code Generator
> Plugin ,
> where you can declare a variable in a class and then you are able to
> generate
> the repetitive task of generating code for the Getters and  Setters for
> that variable.
> No doubt the experience is rather fun too !.
> Is there a plugin available where you place your cursor in the <View>.jsp.
> start a GUI plugin.
> create a field variable of type  [s:textfield  s:radio  s:select
>  s:checkbox  s:textarea s:checkboxlist  etc.] .
> select the attributes associated for that field , from a list [ drop down
> or radio button].
> You then have option of  Generating the corresponding  class  property,
> including  create a class if one doesn't exist,
> Go on to generate code for field getter and setter in the class and even
> perhaps  the  corresponding  s:property in a selected  JSP (create a JSP if
> one doesn't exist, minimum generated code required code by struts
> framework), Also  creating the corresponding s:property field just above
> <body> TAG.  all following the struts design pattern.
> As you can see the functionality of the Struts application Generator plugin
> is same as the Object orientated getter an setter, constructor code
> generator plugin, you are familiar using , but specific for struts
> framework.
> The struts Application Generator will also eliminated many  of the
> unnecessary bugs found by application developers.
> Please see page 411  ISBN 0-8053-5340-2 Object Orientated Analysis and
> Design with Applications for further details.
> Best Regards
> Zahid
> .

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