From: "Caroline Jen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <html:img
> page="/HSInfo/frame/common/images/dhs-header-title.JPEG"
> border="0" width="800" alt="[infomation]"/>
> The image does not get picked up in the browser.
> Therefore, only the text "information" is shown.

Have you tried it with a relative link?  Try just:
frame/common/images/dhs-header-title.JPEG (with no leading slash).

It's best not to hard-code the name of the webapp into anything if you can
avoid it... more to modify if you change it later, or like me, run -dev
and -test versions with the same code under different context names.

Shouldn't the generated HTML be an <img src="..."> tag??  You wrote that it
says 'page'.  Copy and paste the entire tag from the HTML if it's still not

If you're on UNIX, then it's case sensitive-- .JPEG and .jpeg are not the

Does your browser understand what to do with a .jpeg file?  Try renaming it
.jpg and see what happens.

Wendy Smoak

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