
Thanks.  That will do the trick for the database connection.  I have a JNDI connection 
for another non-Struts application and it does solve the environment problem. 

A related question, though:  Is there an elegant solution for path variables and LDAP 
connections?  I see the prevalance of Ant for doing this, and that does solve the 
problem, but making changes to the configuration files, even though it is done 
programmatically, seems like it's crossing the line of having separate environments 
for development, testing and production.


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 4:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Moving from environment to environment

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 15:59:01 -0500, Dave Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do you easily move a Struts application from one environment to another,
> e.g. from development to test to production, without having to change the
> struts-config.xml file to use a different database?
> The datasources seem like they can be configured only in that file, but if
> you want to have different database configs in the different environments,
> it seems like you have to edit that file.  Am I missing something? Is there
> a way around that?

This is one of several reasons that you should really be using JDBC
data sources provided by your application server, instead of the
legacy ones defined in struts-config.xml.  When you do this, your
application just uses a logical *reference* to the data source, and
the configuration details are administered in each server instance --
thus allowing you to take the same WAR file and deploy it in
development, test, and production environments.

For more info on how this works in Tomcat (the way data sources are
configured is Tomcat specific, but the programming steps to use them
is not), see:

> Dave


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