From: "Dave Bender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How do you easily move a Struts application from one environment to
> e.g. from development to test to production, without having to change the
> struts-config.xml file to use a different database?
> The datasources seem like they can be configured only in that file, but if
> you want to have different database configs in the different environments,
> it seems like you have to edit that file.  Am I missing something? Is
> a way around that?

You can use Ant to do text replacements.  So you maintain your
struts-config.xml file with some @tokens@ in it, and then use the 'replace'
task to change them to what you want in the output file.  I do this with my file, so that dev/test/live have different log file names
matching the context name.

Wendy Smoak

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