Nick Heudecker wrote:


I agree with you that struts-user is mostly noise, although you
phrased it much better than I did.  I know it's frustrating to have
your question go unanswered, but I really don't think it's
intentional.  There is so much cruft on this list, with the same
questions asked repeatedly, that your question probably just fell
through the cracks.

The vast majority of the questions here should be posted on the JDC
forums.  If people would do that, and make even the most basic attempt
to check the archives and/or Google, the number of off-topic posts
would fall.

I guess I'll wait to see how many angry responses I get. :)

I think that on the whole the list pretty much works well. There are the difficulties like that experienced here. The reason in this case, I suspect, is that the validator code is not well thought out and that has led to a lot of questions that are very uninteresting. Consquently, at least in my case, I rarely even look at a validator question. I guess I should be a bit more careful and at least peek. But, boy there are a lot of validator questions. This is useful, I think, because it says: FIX VALIDATOR. LOL. Don't tell me to do it. I am too crusty to have that bother me.

Lovin' and Laughin' in the good State of Washington,

Michael McGrady

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