> if I change the file then redeploy it to
> tomcat, my struts web app does not see
> the change.  I need to stop/start tomcat to see a change in the properties
> file.
> My question, is there a struts or tomcat configuration value that will
> the properties file active without recycling tomcat?

(Apache 5.0.27?  I assume you mean Tomcat, which is an Apache project by way
of Jakarta.)

I hesitate to say for sure because I'm not on Tomcat 5 or Eclipse.  But...
you shouldn't have to restart Tomcat entirely, just the individual webapp.
I do it with Ant targets, first 'install' then 'reload'.

If that's one of the files that gets read once when the webapp starts up,
the only way to get it to be read again is to reload (or stop and start) the
webapp (context).

Wendy Smoak

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